Voice Dialogue
Roberta Hutchins ~ Voice Dialogue Facilitator ~ Exeter, Devon
Voice Dialogue is a process whereby you get to know yourself – both the aspects of your personality that are essentially running the show – those that spend most of the time in the driving seat of your life – and the aspects of your personality that you have pretty much hidden under the carpet in order to get by in life!
Voice Dialogue encourages greater awareness of who we are and how we work, rather than what me might see as ‘wrong’ with us!
How often have you found yourself thinking … ‘my head says… but my heart says…‘ or ‘part of me wants this but another wants that‘?
Developing this process means you can take all of yourself into account and have real choice when making decisions in your life, and in how you relate to other people.
Who’s in the driving seat of your life?
Come and get to know your selves!
What to expect!
In a session we will work together to explore your inner voices, otherwise known as your ‘energetic selves’. These selves have their own their unique life views, often developing from the life circumstances and habitual patterns of our childhood. As we explore we begin to honour and accept ourselves more fully as we begin, over time, to disidentify from our current self image in order to embrace more of who we are.
The Voice Dialogue process is a body-based psycho-spiritual practice that was developed by two very experienced Clinical Psychologists from the US with a background in consciousness work – Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone. You can find out more about them and Voice Dialogue on their website.
“With awareness, freedom and a greater sense of choice, we can become what Hal Stone describes as an “energy dancer”! No longer censoring, controlling, grasping and pushing away, we are able to meet and engage with our current life circumstances in each moment, present and embodied. With agendas more conscious and therefore less fixed and fear-based, we can flow with life’s unfolding mystery, less fazed by paradox and polarities.”
Fern de Castres